Two important aspects of total health care for horses.
Feeding the horse a complete and balanced ration including proper amounts of hay, grain, water, vitamins and minerals.
Providing a proper and adequate source of nutrients which will feed, nurture and assist in maintaining normal and proper levels of beneficial digestive bacteria for a fully efficient operating digestive system. This is where FORCO assists you in the overall health of your horse!
FORCO Feed Supplement Digestive Fortifier is a product that addresses the problem of providing proper bacterial populations and fermentation in the horse’s digestive tract.
FORCO uses highly effective yeast cultures and digestive enzymes in making FORCO Feed Supplement Digestive Fortifier . FORCO uses a formula that began in research over 25 years ago. This formula combines different cultures and enzymes causing a synergistic effect which makes the fermentative quality greater than if each ingredient is used individually.
FORCO Feed Supplement Digestive Fortifier is a one-of-a-kind product. It is one of the few pure, all-natural products on the market. It is dependable, stable, and safe. It does not contain live microbial or live-cell yeast, due to their perishability and inconsistent performance. It has no carriers or fillers and there are no supplemental vitamins, minerals or proteins. The FORCO formula contains only pure fermentation products designed to promote normal microorganism and bacteria population in the digestive tract of the horse.
Most horse owners are very concerned with what and how they feed their horses, but this is only one side of the equation. To maintain optimum health and nutrition in the horse, the horseman not only has to feed balanced rations but also must maintain a balanced micro flora in the digestive tract.
Normal equine forage elements plus Forco feed supplement helps complete a optimal nutritional regimen for your animals
What is a balanced micro flora?
It is a bacterial population in the horse’s gastro-intestinal (GI) tract, which is not over inhabited by pathogenic bacteria (organisms having a detrimental effect on the animal). There are many different species of bacteria that normally occupy the GI tract of the healthy horse. Only a few of these are dominant and the rest are present in small numbers; the dominant species are the beneficial bacteria.
A number of factors can cause an imbalance between the beneficial bacteria and pathogenic bacteria. These factors are stress, ingestion of toxins, abrupt feed changes, feeding of antibiotics, etc. The beneficial bacteria are suppressed and the pathogens take over. This over-population by the pathogens causes inflammation and erosion of the gut wall allowing the bacteria to enter the horse’s circulatory system. Microbiologists also believe that the killing off of certain bacteria within the gut, that normally stimulate animal resistance and immunity to disease, can decrease the horse’s resistance to chronic infection. Also, there is a direct relationship between stress and digestive upsets. In other words, stress can kill bacteria; decreased bacterial populations can lead to digestive upset.
There are many factors that can cause stresses that are detrimental to bacterial levels and functions in the digestive system. These factors or causes can be either physical or psychological. Psychological stresses may be caused by changes in day-to-day routines such as moving to a new environment, hauling, racing, or disruptive schedules in feeding or exercise. Physical causes of stress can result from soreness, fatigue, over-heating, sickness or changes in type or amount of feed.
The result is that stress, whether physical or psychological, can result in damage to beneficial bacteria and the important functions they perform.
It is very important that we realize how critical proper beneficial bacterial levels and functions are to the well-being of the horse.
Bacteria are critical to the digestion of all fibrous material, which includes hay and parts of grain.
Bacteria helps in the fermentation of soluble carbohydrates.
Bacteria are responsible for the fermentation of previously undigested protein resulting in the formation of ammonia, amino acids and microbial protein.
Bacteria produce a number of important digestive enzymes.
Bacteria also synthesize many of the vitamins, such as vitamin K, B-complex vitamins, (thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B-12, niacin, pyridoxine, folic acid and biotin).
It is evident that healthy bacteria in the horse’s GI tract play a very important role in the digestion and utilization of feed and in the lessening of digestive upsets.